
2024 ANZSEE Conference at Moreton Bay Research Centre, 37 Fraser Street, Dunwich, North Stradbroke Island

Main Lecture Room (unless otherwise in brackets)

Second Lecture Room OR Meeting Room

Day 1: Friday 4 October

3:15 to 4:00 PM

Registration Desk Open (Front deck of MBRS Building – Gather here for the Official Induction)

4:00 o 4:45 PM

Welcome to Country by Traditional Owner of Minjerribah (Across the road in grassy area)

4:45 to 5:00 PM

Welcome from ANZSEE Conference Chair, Dr Peter Daniels and ANZSEE President, Dr Boyd Blackwell accompanies by Welcome Drink with refreshment.

5:00 to 6:00 PM Plenary/Keynote Joshua Farley (online presentation): Ecological limits and ecological ethics: insights from evolution and anthropology

18:00 PM

Dinner at own expense (The Brewery/Little Ship Inn – a short Walk from MBRS)

18:00 PM

End of DAY 1

Day 2: Saturday 5 October

8:30 AM

Registration table opens & Induction briefing for new arrivals at Front deck of MBRS Building

9:00 to 10:00AM Plenary/Keynote

Paul Hardisty: How stories connect people, livelihoods and the environment

10:00 to 11:00AM General Presentations

Theme: Conserving natural ecosystems 1
Chris Fleming: Twenty-five years of world heritage status: Show us the benefits!
Toni Carnard: Finding the triple bottom line in partially protected areas
Kamaljit K Sangha: Developing nature-based Solutions/Economies for Indigenous peoples in Australia: Opportunities and challenges.

Themes: Ethics, Sustainable Transitions
Peter Daniels: Was Buddha the first ecological Economist?
Scott Matter: Living societal transitions: learning from prototypes for socio-ecological well-being
Ben Robra: Contrasting Capitalist Values: Alternative Organisational Ethics through Degrowth Values

11:00 -11:30 AM

Morning Tea Break

11:30 – 12:30PM Panel session

Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Michelle Maloney, Has utilitarian environmentalism failed? Rethinking human-nature relationships

12:30 to 1:30PM Poster Presentations

Lunch Break and Poster Presentation: Jane O’Sullivan: Higher than anticipated population growth is a neglected threat to sustainable futures

1:30 – 2:30PM Plenary/Keynote

Anya Phelan: At the crossroads of business, society, and planet – plastic waste and remote communities

2:30 – 3:30PM

Waste 2 – Islands Under Threat
Boyd Blackwell: Norfolk Island – Some economic and equity aspects of its reef systems
2. Susan Prior: Placing Norfolk Island’s in context – tentative
John Oxenford – Is it possible for Bribie island’s coastal environment to be sustainable and healthy?

Climate Response 1
Jim Crosthwaite: The rocky road to net zero: unpacking the conflicts and contestations in creating a gas-free economy.
Fabian Sack: Using environmentally extended input output analysis to reduce the health sector’s carbon footprint
Yoshihiko Wada & Lee Tan: The unequal exchange of the rare earth transitional mineral supply chains (Lee Tan to present)

3:30 – 4:00PM

Afternoon Tea Break

4:00 – 5:00PM Plenary/Keynote

Eszter Klemen (online presentation): The role of education in transformative change and the potential contribution of ecological economics

5:00 – 6:00 PM Presentations/


Theme: Educating Change Agents 1. Carla Liuzzo: Embedding Ecological Economics in Australian Business Education: Degrowth for Preparing Leaders for Sustainable Futures

2. Louise Fitzgerald & Jinki Trevillian: Equipping Business Graduates for Global Complexity and Uncertain Times Ahead

3. Fiona Ryan: Which climate policies are mutually beneficial for developing and developed economies?

Workshop: Weaving a Basket of Benefits: Exploring Ecosystem Service Connections and Interactions across Landscapes, Scales, and Institutions, with Andrew Buckwell and Ed Morgan

6:30 – 7:00PM


7:00 – 9:00 PM

Conference Dinner with Music (Upstairs Balcony, Additional $35/head for dinner). BYO musical instruments to jam with local musician, Paula Boo.

End of DAY 2

Day 3: Sunday 6 October

8:30 – 9:00AM

Registration table opens & tea and coffee on arrival

9:00 – 10:00AM Keynote

Erik Gomez-Baggethun: The future of work: Insights from ecological economics

10:00 -11:00AM

1. Jane O’Sullivan: Population growth, the labour market and inequality: why population peak and decline is a social as well as environmental imperative
2. Cade Diehm: Beyond human centered design: digital systems and non-human expertise
3. Cade Diehm: Anticipating a Green Panopticon

Kamaljit Sangha & others – Panel Session : Indigenous ecosystem services values, fire management related carbon economy in the north, or the application of the proposed Nature Repair Market to the Indigenous estate.

11:00 – 11:30AM

Morning Tea Break

11:30 – 12:30PM Keynote

Tom Rayner: Fish out of water: Integrating ecology, economics & engagement to drive adoption of modern fish-protection screens

12:30 – 1:30PM

Lunch Break

12:45 – 1:30PM

ANZSEE AGM – All members welcome

1:30 – 2:30 PM Presentations

Fisheries ecological economics, Session 1
Boyd Blackwell: Fish and river restoration economic considerations within the context of fish screening
Lachlan Jaensch: Liquid assets balancing public and private benefits of fish protection screens
Andrew Buckwell: The social license of salmon agriculture in Tasmania fulfilling the social bargain

Food System Sustainability 1 1. Sabrina Chakori: Post-growth food enterprises in Australia: the role of exnovation 2. Priyambada Joshi: The future of beef production: from risk assessment to sustainable management

3. KC Adaina: Determinants of Household Decision Choice on Cooking Energy Fuel amongst the indigenous Zeliangrong Community in the Himalayan region of Rural Manipur, India: Do Cultural Practices Matter?

2:30 – 3:30 PM Keynote

Michelle Maloney: Building Earth-centred economies, ethics and governance in a time of crisis: the critical role of civil society

3:30 – 4:00PM

Afternoon Tea Break

4:00 – 5:00PM Workshop/Presentations


1. Paul Brown: Building Resilience in City Waste Management Systems: Supporting Public Reporting Towards Degrowth
2. Jordan Roods: Why Circular Economy’s vision to ‘regenerate nature’ needs earth-centred governance
3. Rodrigo Zilleruelo Estanol: Discovering values and drivers for Nature-based Solutions (NbS): The association between relational values and NbS, evidence from a choice experiment in Australia

Food System Sustainability 2 & Restoration Ecology Economics 1
Van Thuy Dao: Value Addition in Agriculture: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government Incentives and Programs
Khaqan Khasif: Australian farmer’s perception of carbon farming and implication for broad acre agriculture.
Boyd Blackwell: Oyster reef restoration social cost-benefit analysis of the Port Stephens project

5:00 to 5:30PM

Conference recap and close

6:30 PM

Dinner at own expense (Book here if you need dinner at MBRS)

End of DAY 3

Day 4: Monday 7 October – Optional Field trips

9:00 AM to

2:30 PM

Field trip options (please pick ONE HERE):
1. Gorge walk, Point Lookup (public transport) – free
2. Blue/brown Lake hike (6km return) – free/tour company
3. Moreton Bay boat trip – charge
Followed by pub Lunch at the local hotel

12:30 – 2:30PM

Lunch at Point Lookout Hotel (at own cost, catch public bus or own transport – please RSVP)

Note that the last water taxi leaves Dunwich at 7:55PM and the ferry leaves at 7:00PM