
10th Annual General Meeting, 10 December 2004

Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

12:30 PM, University of Newcastle

Venue: Shortland Building, University of Newcastle (conducted during the ANZSEE 2004 Conference).

Present: Kathryn Davidson, Vicky Forgie, Kate Norris, Nigel Jollands, Leonie Pearson, Philip Lawn, Steve Hatfield Dodds, Wendy Proctor

The meeting opened at 12.30pm and was chaired by Steve Hatfield Dodds

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Philip Sutton.

2. Registration of proxies and confirmation of Agenda

No proxies were received.

3. Minutes of previous AGM

The minutes were accepted.

4. Report on activities

  • The recent New Zealand Think Tank conducted by the New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics (NZSEE) was discussed and praised for its success.
  • Montreal ISEE conference and good attendances by ANZSEE executive and members was noted

5. Presidents Report

An oral summary of activities was provided by the President and accepted by the meeting.

6. Treasurers Report

A brief treasurers report was relayed verbally to the meeting from the Treasurer to say that the financial situation of ANZSEE was sound but no formal written report was provided. Mark Diesendorf has decided to step down as Treasurer and he was thanked for all his efforts and contributions to ANZSEE.

7. General Business

  • It was noted that more ANZSEE people seem to be getting to international conferences which is encouraging.
  • ANZSEE Prizes: A letter was tabled by the Secretary from Adam McHugh (a student at Murdoch University who has been lobbying for the introduction of an ecological economics course at Murdoch), proposing that ANZSEE offer a prize for the best student in ecological economics at Murdoch University each year. The issue was discussed and it was agreed that ANZSEE would offer an undergraduate prize for all universities in Australia and New Zealand for the best essay in Ecological Economics – the proposed essays would need to be endorsed by the lecturer. Details to be put on the ANZSEE website and advertised to universities offering courses in Ecological Economics or related fields. As well, a PhD thesis prize will be offered for the best paper presented by a Phd student at the ANZSEE conference.

Proposed: Wendy Proctor. Seconded: Steve Hatfield Dodds. The motion was carried (Action: Wendy Proctor).

  • ANZSEE brochure: it was decided that a brochure outlining the benefits of joining ANZSEE/ISEE would be produced with in-house resources offered by the New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics.

Proposed: Wendy Proctor. Seconded: Nigel Jollands. The motion was carried (Action: Wendy Proctor, Nigel Jollands, Leonie Pearson).

  • Website: The ANZSEE website would get a revamp and administration would be taken over by NZCEE.

Proposed: Nigel Jollands. Seconded: Steve Hatfield Dodds. The motion was carried (Action: Nigel Jollands).

  • ANZSEE 2005 Conference: To be held in Palmerston North, New Zealand around December. It was proposed that the first one to two days would be training sessions such as an experimental economics training workshop and a workshop showing how to estimate the Genuine Progress Indicator etc. International speakers will be targeted to be key speakers. After that we will go back to holding the ANZSEE Conference every second year so as not to coincide with the ISEE Conference year.

Proposed: Nigel Jollands. Seconded: Leonie Pearson. The motion was carried (Action: Nigel Jollands).

8. Election of Office Bearers

The new ANZSEE Executive Committee was elected and now consists of:

Dr Steve Hatfield Dodds, President

Dr Nigel Jollands, Vice President

Dr Wendy Proctor, Secretary

Ms Bev Rose, Treasurer

Dr Leonie Pearson, member

Dr Philip Lawn, member

Mr Philip Sutton, member

Prof Murray Patterson, member

Dr Mark Diesendorf, member (co-opted after the meeting)

9. Other Business

The next meeting of the Exec will consist of a phone hookup between the newly elected President, Vice President and Secretary to discuss details of the motions carried at the AGM and their implementation.

The meeting closed at 1.30pm.

Minutes prepared by Wendy Proctor, Secretary.