
Keynote Presenters

We have a fantastic line-up of international keynote speakers including:

Professor Joshua Farley, Professor in Community Development, Applied Economics and Public Administration, University of Vermont, Ecological limits and ecological ethics: Insights from evolution and anthropology


Prof. Erik Gomez-Baggethun, President, International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE); Professor in Environmental Governance at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), The future of work: Insights from ecological economics and Has utilitarian environmentalism failed? Rethinking human-nature relationships



Dr Paul Hardisty,  Fiction Writer and ExCEO Australian Institute of Marine Science, How stories connect people, livelihoods and the environment



Dr Eszter Kelemen, President-Elect ISEE and Co-founder and Senior Researcher of the Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG), Budapest, Hungary, The role of education in transformative change and the potential contribution of ecological economics



Dr Michelle Maloney, Co-Founder and Director of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) and
Co-Founder and Director of Future Dreaming, Building Earth-centred economies, ethics and governance in a time of crisis: the critical role of civil society


Dr Anya Phelan, Senior Lecturer, Griffith University & ANZSEE Executive, At the crossroads of business, society, and planet – Plastic waste and remote communities



Dr Tom Rayner, Lead Collaborator, Fish Screens Australia and Senior Fisheries Scientist, NSW Government, Fish out of water: Integrating ecology, economics and engagement to drive adoption of modern fish-protection screens