Dear Members,
On behalf of the ANZSEE Executive, please find below the Agenda for the 2019 ANZSEE AGM to be held in Melbourne in conjunction with the Biennial Conference.
Mon 25 Nov, 5.30-7.30pm Melbourne time,Rm 80.07.01,
445 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Building 80, RMIT University .
Proposed Agenda:
1. Apologies
2. Registration of proxies and confirmation of agenda
3. Minutes of previous AGM (attached)
4. President’s report
5. Secretary’s report
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Election of Office Bearers
8. Conference update and 2021 plans
9. Close and next AGM
I look forward to speaking with you then.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Boyd Blackwell
President, Anzsee