ANZSEE 2015 AGM 21 October 2015, ANZSEE Conference, University of New England
The meeting convened at 12:50 and ran for around 55 minutes.
Participants: Leonie Pearson, Boyd Blackwell, Anitra Nelson, Paul Sutton, Kim McClymont, Peter Daniels, Laura Levetan, Simone Valle de Souza, Jim McFarlane, Judith McNeill, Garry Claridge, Madeleine Black
Apologies: Steve Hatfield-Dodds
- Year in Review (Blackwell)
Boyd provided a brief summary of the year stating:
- Great year with lots of great work to get the 2015 conference delivered
- The New Executive members coupled with some experienced members and people, worked well as a team and really pulled together to help the conference and contribute when needed
- Extended thanks to all those whom supported the conference – through teamwork great things are achieved
- Acceptance of 2014 AGM minutes
- These were not provided at the AGM and will be attached and agreed out of session
- Executive Feedback
- The 2015 Conference (Blackwell)
- Fantastic job from the organising committee and other members and non-members whom supported delivery of the conference which has been a success. Feedback will be sort with a survey and shared with executive
- Communications (Blackwell & Black)
- Hired Maddy Black to support the ongoing management of communications for ANZSEE, this was especially critical for the conference
- Maddy was a great communications manager and increased Facebook followers to around 900 also updated Linkedin and Twitter accounts
- Trialled social media experiment to test its use – found solid results
- Governance (Blackwell)
- Nil here to report given conference had consumed most member’s efforts to date. However, there are a number of items that can be attended to now once the new executive is elected and the next biennial conference is not until 2017. These include (i) Whether a review of the constitution is necessary given new methods of communication etc.? (ii) Consistency of the governance structures of the society with those of the Act? (iii) The development of a high-level one page strategic plan for the society (suggest these be incorporated into the position statement work discussed below).
- Other
- No comments
- Finance (Valle de Souza)
- A 2015 conference update was provided stating that it is expected to break-even
- ANZSEE current budget situation is healthy with two bank account balances of $14,700 and $23,000, totalling $37,700 funds available
- Simone to provide financial position following completion of conference and finalisation of all required transactions.
- New Executive for 2015 (Pearson)
The AGM was announced by email to ANZSEE members in September with a call for nominations.
The following nominations were received prior to the AGM:
The opening of voting was announced via an email to all ANZSEE members on 10 October, and closed at 5pm 20 October, 2015.
The ballot results were as follows:
ANZSEE 2015 Executive: Ballot Results | ||
President | Boyd Blackwell | 19/19 |
Vice-President | Leonie Pearson | 13/19 |
Treasurer | Simone Valle de Souza | 18/19 |
Secretary | Maddy Black | 19/19 |
General Executive | Laura Jean Levetan | |
Anitra Nelson | ||
Kim McClymont | ||
Md Younus | ||
Discussion ensued about electing people to the new executive and additional people were nominated.
Maddy Black noted that she was keen to take on secretarial duties but hand-over communications management to another person. She was happy to help with transitioning to this arrangement.
Motion: to accept the following 2016-17 ANZSEE Executive, proposed by Leonie, supported by Kim and Anitra, accepted by all.
President | Boyd Blackwell |
Vice President | Leonie Pearson |
Treasurer | Simone Valle de Souza |
Secretary (and Public Officer) | Maddy Black |
General Executive (3-5 positions) | Anitra NelsonKim McClymontLaura Jean Levetan
Md Younus |
Co-opted, Non-Voting Executive(up to 5 positions) | Paul SuttonJim McFarlaneJudith McNeil
Peter Daniels |
The meeting expressed thanks to outgoing members of the executive, and warmly welcomed new members.
- 2017 Conference (Blackwell)
- A proposal was presented by Prof Sutton from Adelaide, Flinders University to host the 2017 conference.
- A thematic proposal focused on climate change and local issues is proposed including Indigenous support, student prize ($250) , Federal policy makers, a funnelling of people to shorter sharper presentations (e.g. posters) and the more time for discussion.
- Suggested local organising Committee to be led by Paul but include Bob Costanza, local academics.
- Motion: to have ANZSEE 2017 Conference, organised by Prof Sutton. Proposed by Boyd, supported by Kim and Leonie and agreed by all.
- Other business
- ANZSEE endorsed statements.
- Discussion was held as to if ANZSEE should provide more engagement with public policy issues.
- It was generally agreed to be a good thing, if a quorum of the executive could agree to the statement or positon piece.
- Motion: to propose to the next executive to consider ANZSEE statements and to consider drafting and promoting these as a way to engage more closely with real public policy debate. Proposed by Kim, supported by Laura and Anitra – motion carried.
- Co-sponsored events
- Discussed an option for ANZSEE to co-sponsor events to enhance its public profile, gain greater traction in the public policy debate.
- Suggested that if ANZSEE members and Executive should propose co-sponsored events then they can be considered.
- New recruits to ANZSEE
- Peter led a discussion about new blood into ANZSEE more broadly and onto the executive.
- Suggestions about cross fertilization (e.g. link with other associated) co-sponsor events or even hold events at concurrent times and places.
- Close of meeting
- Boyd thanked the previous Exec for their service, and welcomed the new Executive members on board for an exciting period ahead for the society, encouraged all members to be actively involved and to provide new ideas and stimulus to its growth.
- The meeting closed after approx. 55 minutes, at around 1:45pm AEST time. [ends]
Contact details for people at AGM