
Call for Abstracts for the 2024 ANZSEE Conference

(Deadline extended to Friday 9th August 2024)

Ecological Economic Perspectives from Islands and Across Oceans”

4th to 7th October, Minjerribah-North Stradbroke Island

We call for abstracts for contributors of papers or posters to our conference.

The 2024 themes focus upon ecological economics analysis, perspectives and policies with the indicative topics as follows:

  1. Sustainable and healthy national, regional and urban communities and ecosystems 
  2. Marine and coastal environments and people
  3. Building adaptive capacity and resilience in uncertain times via ecological economic-informed solutions  
  4. Ecological limits and planetary boundaries 
  5. Ecological ethics and worldviews and intrinsic value/s of nature 
  6. First Nations and Indigenous communities/economies
  7. Embedding ecological economics in education systems
  8. Other topics consistent with the integrated multiple disciplinary perspectives of ecological economics.

Examples under each of the themes can be accessed here.

Please send (i.) abstract/s (250-word limit) including a short title (specify paper or poster presentation) and up to four keywords for your presentation, and (ii) your biodata (150-word limit) to anzseecom@gmail.com by Friday 9th August 2024Please note that ANZSEE adheres to the Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing.

We expect the selection process to be finalized by the end of August 2024.

Visit our conference webpage or Conference event on Facebook for other conference related details and contact ANZSEE at anzseecom@gmail.com if you have further question to be clarified.

You are encouraged join ANZSEE to be a part of a growing movement for ecological sustainability and to get the member discount to the conference.