The second call for abstracts is now open!
Please see the following page for more info:
The second call for abstracts is now open!
Please see the following page for more info:
ANZSEE are excited to announce the following themes for the 2015 Conference: More »
If you have some spare time, please consider helping out with this survey. A topic close to ANZSEE’s heart and closely related to the special session on “wilderness” planned for the 2015 Conference!
If so, I invite you to participate in a brief, anonymous online survey. My name is Elizabeth McAllister and I am conducting research as part of my Honours degree in Psychology at the School of Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences at the University of New England. My supervisor is Dr Navjot Bhullar.
I am looking for participants who are over 18 and live in Australia. I would very much appreciate your participation.
The research aims to explore the relationship between natural environments and well-being. Participation involves completing a 15-20 minute online survey, including watching a short video.
Participation is completely anonymous. Your name will not be collected and no individual will be identified in any publication of the results. This project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of New England (Approval Number HE15-129, Valid to 29 April 2016).
Feel free to contact me with any questions about this research by email at
If you are interested, please click the link below to start the survey:
Thank you for your participation!
Elizabeth McAllister
ANZSEE is excited to announce that the 2015 Conference, Thriving Through Transformation – Local to Global Sustainability, will be held at the University of New England Business School, Armidale, NSW from 19-23 October 2015.
The main conference will be held over five days:
Themes and Suggestions
This year’s themes centre on ideas for transforming to a sustainable human existence at all geographical scales, particularly at the local, regional, and remote scales, but also at the national and global scales:
Other suggestions for themes/panels are also invited, particularly where organizations wish to provide sponsorship (see below). For example, there are planned special sessions around Wilderness through support from the Environmental Humanities Network at UNE and another on Indigenous Wellbeingsupported by Ninti One Ltd as an Indigenous Participation Sponsor.
Please email with your suggestions.
Keynote Speakers
We have already secured a number of exciting speakers including:
Key Dates:
Please stay tuned for updates regarding abstract submissions and registration processes.
Current conference sponsors include Ninti One Ltd – Ideas and Innovation for Remote Australia(Indigenous Participation Sponsor), and Environmental and Rural Sciences, University of New England. We are also grateful to the UNE Business School for hosting the conference.
If you wish to discuss sponsorship opportunities including general or indigenous participation sponsorship (Indigenous Participation ), download the relevant prospectuses (Sponsorship Form) and contact Dr Boyd Blackwell, President ANZSEE and Chair, conference committee, +612 6773 3279.
Indigenous Scholarship
Through the kind contributions of Indigenous Participant Sponsors we are able to offer a number of Indigeous Participation Scholarships. Please download the form here (Indigenous Participation Application) if you wish to apply.
General Contact
If you have any queries or would like to discuss ideas for the conference please email the organising committee on:
Warm regards
ANZSEE 2015 Conference Organising Committee
Dangars Falls
Resilience is seen as a cost effective way of dealing with natural hazards and disasters. The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience states:
The disaster resilience approach seeks to ensure we are able to adapt to new and emerging hazards, reduce our exposure to risks, and recover from disasters effectively. In the medium to long-term, the benefits of improved disaster resilience will exceed the costs.
However, very little is known about the economic benefits of resilience, in particular the potential savings that can be achieved by adapting to potential future risks.
The Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies is seeking expressions of interest from potential post graduate scholars to undertake a PhD in the economics of resilience. This PhD would support the 3-year project Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vulnerability and risks at the institutional scale funded by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre.
The project would use the economic literature, existing socio-economic data and historical events to develop an appropriate conceptual model for understanding the economics of resilience in an Australian context. The understanding developed by the project would be used by governments and agencies to support business cases for investing in resilience to reduce the long-term costs of natural hazards and disasters.
Expressions of interest from interested graduates of economics or a similar discipline are invited. An application for scholarship funding will be made to the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC with the successful applicant.
The Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies at Victoria University Melbourne is one of Australia’s major centres of research into applied economics.
Please Contact Dr John Symons for further information
Contact Details:
Dr John Symons
BSc, GDip Ed, M Env Plan, PhD
Research Fellow
Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies
Phone +61 3 9919 1457
Mobile +61 434 870 981