
2024 ANZSEE Conference at Moreton Bay Research Centre, 37 Fraser Street, Dunwich, North Stradbroke Island

Tentative as at Friday 6th September 2024

Main Lecture Room (unless otherwise in brackets)

Second Lecture Room OR Meeting Room

Day 1: Friday 4 October

3:15 to 4:00 PM

Registration Desk Open, Tea and Coffee at the front deck of MBRS Building

Gather here for the Official Induction

4:00 o 4:45 PM

Welcome to Country by Traditional Owner of Minjerribah (Across the road in grassy area)

4:45 to 5:00 PM

Welcome from ANZSEE Conference Chair and ANZSEE President accompanies by Welcome Drink with refreshment. BYO Alcohol

5:00 to 6:00 PM Plenary/Keynote

Joshua Farley (online presentation): Ecological limits and ecological ethics: insights from evolution and anthropology

18:00 PM

Dinner at own expense (The Brewery/Little Ship Inn – a short Walk from MBRS)

18:00 PM

End of DAY 1

Day 2: Saturday 5 October

8:30 AM

Registration table opens, Tea and Coffee at Front deck of MBRS Building 

Induction briefing for new arrivals 

9:00 to 10:00AM Plenary/Keynote

Paul Hardisty: How stories connect people, livelihoods and the environment

10:00 to 11:00AM General Presentations

Theme: Conserving natural ecosystems 1
1. Chris Fleming: Twenty-five years of world heritage status: Show us the benefits!
2. Toni Carnard:Finding the triple bottom line in partially protected areas
3. Kamaljit K Sangha: Developing nature-based Solutions/Economies for Indigenous peoples in Australia: Opportunities and challenges.

Themes: Ethics, Sustainable Transitions
1. Pet
ber Daniels: Was Buddha the first ecological Economist?
2. Scott Matter: Living societal transitions: learning from prefigurative projects for socioecological well-being
3. Ben Robra: Contrasting Capitalist Values: Alternative Organisational Ethics through Degrowth Values

11:00 -11:30 AM

Morning Tea Break

11:30 – 12:30PM Panel session

Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Michelle Maloney, Has utilitarian environmentalism failed? Rethinking human-nature relationships

12:30 to 1:30PM Poster Presentations

Lunch Break at the Front Deck

Poster Presentations: 1. Pramod Gautam: Achieving Net-Zero Emissions in Agriculture: Developing Decision Support Systems for Land and Enterprise Managers

2. Bhola Paudel: Smart farming of accessing agricultural sustainability using ESG framework

1:30 – 2:30PM Plenary/Keynote

Anya Phelan: At the crossroads of business, society, and planet – plastic waste and remote communities

2:30 – 3:30PM

Theme: Waste 2 – Islands Under Threat
1. Boyd Blackwell: Norfolk Island – Some economic and equity aspects of its reef systems
2. Susan Prior: Placing Norfolk Island’s in context
3. John Oxenford – Is it possible for Bribie island’s coastal environment to be sustainable and healthy?

Theme: Climate Response 1
1. Jim Crosthwaite: The rocky road to net zero: unpacking the conflicts and contestations in creating a gas-free economy.
2. Fabian Sack: Using environmentally extended input output analysis to reduce the health sector’s carbon footprint
3. Yoshihiko Wada & Lee Tan: The unequal exchange of the rare earth transitional mineral supply chains (Lee Tan to present)

3:30 – 4:00PM

Afternoon Tea Break

4:00 – 5:00PM Plenary/Keynote

Eszter Klemen (online presentation): The role of education in transformative change and the potential contribution of ecological economics

5:00 – 6:00 PM Presentations/


Theme: Educating Change Agents 1. Carla Liuzzo: Embedding Ecological Economics in Australian Business Education: Degrowth for Preparing Leaders for Sustainable Futures

2. Louise Fitzgerald & Jinki Trevillian: Equipping Business Graduates for Global Complexity and Uncertain Times Ahead

Workshop: Weaving a Basket of Benefits: Exploring Ecosystem Service Connections and Interactions across Landscapes, Scales, and Institutions, with Andrew Buckwell and Ed Morgan

6:30 – 7:00PM


7:00 – 9:00 PM

Conference Dinner: Bonfire & Music (Additional $35/head for dinner. Please book here)

End of DAY 2

Day 3: Sunday 6 October

8:30 – 9:00AM

Registration table opens.  Tea and Coffee & Induction briefing for new arrivals at Front deck of MBRS Building

9:00 – 10:00AM Keynote

Erik Gomez-Baggethun: The future of work: Insights from ecological economics

10:00 -11:00AM

1. Jane O’Sullivan: Population growth, the labour market and inequality: why population peak and decline is a social as well as environmental imperative
2. Cade Diehm: Beyond human centered design: digital systems and non-human expertise
3. Cade Diehm: Anticipating a Green Panopticon

Theme: Climate Response 2
1. Fiona Ryan: Which climate policies are mutually beneficial for developing and developed economies?
2. KC Adaina: Determinants of Household Decision Choice on Cooking Energy Fuel amongst the indigenous Zeliangrong Community in the Himalayan region of Rural Manipur, India: Do Cultural Practices Matter?

11:00 – 11:30AM

Morning Tea Break at the front Deck

11:30 – 12:30PM Keynote

Tom Rayner: Fish out of water: Integrating ecology, economics & engagement to drive adoption of modern fish-protection screens

12:30 – 1:30PM

Lunch Break at the Front Deck

12:45 – 1:30PM

ANZSEE AGM – All members and observers welcome

1:30 – 2:30 PM Presentations

Theme: Fisheries ecological economics, Session 1
1. Boyd Blackwell: Fish and river restoration economic considerations within the context of fish screening
2. Lachlan Jaensch: Liquid assets balancing public and private benefits of fish protection screens
3. Andrew Buckwell: The social license of salmon agriculture in Tasmania fulfilling the social bargain

Theme: Food System Sustainability 1
1. Esther Esho: The Role of Environmental Sustainability in Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security (cancelled)
1. Sabrina Chakori: Post-growth food enterprises in Australia: the role of exnovation 2. Priyambada Joshi: The future of beef production: from risk assessment to sustainable management

2:30 – 3:30 PM Keynote

Michelle Maloney: Building Earth-centred economies, ethics and governance in a time of crisis: the critical role of civil society

3:30 – 4:00PM

Afternoon Tea Break

4:00 – 5:00PM Workshop/Presentations

1. Paul Brown: Building Resilience in City Waste Management Systems: Supporting Public Reporting Towards Degrowth
2. Jordan Roods: Why Circular Economy’s vision to ‘regenerate nature’ needs earth-centred governance
3. Rodrigo Zilleruelo Estanol: Discovering values and drivers for Nature-based Solutions (NbS): The association between relational values and NbS, evidence from a choice experiment in Australia

Themes: Food System Sustainability 2 & Restoration Ecology Economics 1
1. Van Thuy Dao: Value Addition in Agriculture: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government Incentives and Programs
2. Khaqan Khasif: Australian farmer’s perception of carbon farming and implication for broad acre agriculture.
3. Boyd Blackwell: Oyster reef restoration social cost-benefit analysis of the Port Stephens project

5:00 to 5:30PM

Conference recap and close

18:00 PM

Dinner at own expense (Book here if need dinner at MBRS)

End of DAY 3

Day 4: Monday 7 October – Optional Field trips

9:00 AM to

2:30 PM

Field trip options (please pick ONE HERE):
1. Gorge walk, Point Lookup (public transport) – free
2. Blue/brown Lake hike (6km return) – free/tour company
3. Moreton Bay boat trip – charge
Followed by pub Lunch at the local hotel

12:30 – 2:30PM

Lunch at Point Lookout Hotel (at own cost, catch public bus or own transport – please RSVP)

Note that the last water taxi leaves Dunwich at 7:55PM and the ferry leaves at 7:00PM