
ANZSEE is pleased to call for nominations for the ANZSEE PhD Prize in Ecological Economics for 2012-2013.

The process and criteria for the prize are:

  • Nominations are eligible from any student who has or will submit a PhD thesis for examination in the general field of ecological economics in the year of the prize or the immediately previous year, who is enrolled in a PhD program at a university in Australia or New Zealand, or who has been a member of ANZSEE for at least six months.
    • In this case, the period of submission for the PhD thesis is January 2012 to December 2013.
  • The criteria for the PhD Prize is for the paper that makes the most significant contribution to the field of ecological economics or to the promotion of global sustainability and wellbeing.
  • The content of the prize includes a certificate of award, a cash prize of AUD$500, and one year of membership of ISEE and ANZSEE.
  • Ecological economics is interpreted as a transdisciplinary field of inquiry, rather than a specific set of methods, concerned with interactions between social, economic and biophysical processes and their implications for sustainability and wellbeing.  Decisions on whether a PhD or paper falls within the field of ecological economics will be made at the discretion of the examining committee.
  • Nominations will be judged on the basis of a written paper by the student that:
    • is based primarily on their PhD studies, and
    • forms the basis of a presentation at an ANZSEE conference in the period for which the prize is awarded.

As a general guide, the length and nature of the paper should be broadly consistent submission to a journal such as Ecological Economics or a similar other  journal in the field, and written in English to an appropriate standard.  The prize will not be awarded on the basis of an entire thesis or a collection of papers.  The paper and the work it embodies must be substantively by the student nominated for the prize.  Any contributions by other authors must be fully explained in writing at the time of submission.  There are no restrictions on the paper being published or being submitted for publication.

  • The nomination should be made or seconded by a member of ANZSEE in good standing in 2012 or 2013.  Self nomination by the student is acceptable.  It is also acceptable for an ANZSEE member to nominate or second more than one student for consideration for the prize.
  • The examining committee will generally be made up of the current and immediate past ANZSEE presidents and one other ANZSEE member, as agreed by the ANZSEE Executive.  The examining committee may, at its discretion, seek advice or comment from others on the merit and contribution of papers submitted for consideration.  The examining committee may choose, at its discretion, not to award the prize or to award the prize jointly to two equally ranked papers.
  • Nominations must be made no later than 28 days before the first day of the conference at which the prize is to be awarded, and be accompanied by the paper that forms the basis of the nomination.

The deadline for nominations for the ANZSEE PhD Prize 2012-2013 is Monday 14 October 2013. 

Nominations and enquiries should be forwarded to the Chair of the Conference Committee, Dr Leonie Pearson: anzsee2013@gmail.com

Comments closed.