
The ANZSEE 2013 Conference Committee are seeking proposals for Special Sessions or Working Groups to be held at the 2013 conference of the Australia New-Zealand Society for Ecological Economics, in Canberra from 11-14 November 2013.

Sessions involve a structured program of presentations, papers and panel discussion of a topic or question.  The speakers are invited by the Chair or Co-Chairs, who also have the option to invite participants on the basis of their contributed abstracts.  Sessions will generally be scheduled for 90 minutes.

Working Groups provide an open collaboration opportunity for participants at the conference.  They are focused on a specific goal or question,  but are intended to be more dynamic and interactive than Sessions.  Participants may be invited before the conference, but working groups should remain open to people opting in at the conference.

The conference program will generally schedule 90 minutes for each working group but participants may also choose to meet at other times.  They should seek to include diverse perspectives and involve less than 30 minutes of structured input, to maximize the opportunities for interaction.

Both Sessions and Working Groups provide an excellent opportunity for to showcase the research from a collaboration, a particular research group or research theme. Proposals from early-career researchers are especially encouraged.

If you would like further information or to discuss your proposal, please contact the conference organizer via e-mail anzsee2013@gmail.com or phone 61 2 6281 6624.

Second round proposals for Sessions and Working Groups close on 16th August.

Comments closed.